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The C64 Mini 9 pin joystick adapter – Compatible with the Maxi

Introducing the RetoJoy Joystick Adapter use classic Joysticks with this 9 pin to USB interface for the C64 mini 

Use your favourite classic joystick from the 1980’s on “The C64” mini and the full size Maxi from Retro Games

Classic sticks like Competition Pro, Zipstick, Quickshot, Cheetah, Konix, Powerplay etc , any Atari and Kempston Joystick with a 9 Pin D Plug 😊

The compact adapter connects directly USB and has a 9 pin socket for Joystick to plug into

No setup required – just plug in and play – Adapter has a beige case to match the C64 console, also compatible with the full size Maxi C64

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Guide how clean floppy disk drive without disassembly

An easy way to clean the magnetic read / write heads on a 3.5″ floppy drive is to use a trumouse cleaning disk

The disk can be used dry or wet, to use wet just add a couple of drops of isopopyl alchohol to the white disk material before inserting into the drive

Below are download link for Amiga, Atari ST and PC DOS software that will work with the cleaning disk

Floppy Drive Head Cleaning Software Download 

Amiga Floppy Drive Head Cleaning Software

Atari ST Floppy Drive Head Cleaning Utility


The DOS cleaning utilities are for vintage systems that run MS DOS, the .ZIP archive contains two drive cleaning tools Cleaner.exe and Floppy Disk

typing Cleaner.exe into the DOS command line will start the drive cleaning program

To run floppy disk scrubber you need to type followed by the disk drive letter A or B and then the amount of seconds you want to clean the disk, example commands below cleans drive A: for 25 seconds

“ a 25”

   Screenshot of Cleaner.exe – PC drive cleaning software