Amiga USB Keyboard Adapter
A Key USB keyboard adapter for Commodore Amiga Computers
The AKey USB keyboard adapter for all Amiga models, use any PC keyboard with your commodore amiga computer or CD32
The A500 version fits directly onto the keyboard header pins and provides a USB port to connect a keyboard
The A600 model fits onto the keyboard controller
The A1200 model fits over the keyboard controller – USB Extension with a custom trapdoor cover is also available to provide the the Amiga 1200 with an external USB port for keyboards
Reset from Keyboard just like a real Amiga!
Ctrl + Left Windows + Right Windows = Reset
Ctrl + Left Windows + Menu Key
Menu Key keycaps – see photo below shows the menu key’s on PC keyboards
Multiple USB Keyboard’s with your Amiga !
Using a USB hub and the A Key adapter will allow two USB keyboards at the same time on your Amiga, ideal for example if you need a wired keyboard on your desk and a maybe a second portable wireless keyboard, you just need to use a low cost USB hub like the one shown below to provide the USB ports.